
  • 24-hour global service hotline+86 (020)31523725, 37523936, 31523097

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Contact Us

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    Dedicated to serve you 24 hours a day

  • Factory address

    Address : Industrial Park, No. 21 Liangtian Middle Road, Liangtian Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou

    Tel:+86 (020)37403252 / 37403262 / 37403216

      +86 (020)37403209 / 37403223 / 37403212

    Business department straight line: (020) 31523725, 37523936, 31523097

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  • Company Address

    Address : 25-27 Yanling Road, Guangzhou

    Business line:+86 (020)31523725, 37523936, 31523097

    Factory phone: +86 (020) 37403252

    Fax:(020) 37403270 37403280


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  • Tel:(020)31523725, 37523936, 31523097
  • Fax:(020)37403270, 37403280
  • Email: sales@gz-best.com/export@gz-best.com
  • Add:No. 21 Liangtian Middle Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
  • Add:25-27 Yanling Road, Guangzhou